Technology, Humans, and Points of View
It is interesting to often think about what the future holds for humanity. The ancient ritual of thinking about what life will be like in the future is almost a kind of implanted logic. Recursive thinking implanted in people from all walks of life. Below are a few concepts taht are in segments of some interesting considerations and insights. I often ponder regarding technology, the mind, influence, inspiration, and other related topics.
Technology and people
Technology is a divine gift given to humanity for the purpose of progressing in various ways. It is something that changes our reality in almost every way, shape and form.Tremendous value to humanity as a whole, and it is something so great that I believe it will advance or destroy humanity. There is also something that has great power and creates colossal effects before anything else. Technology is the divine knowledge given to man so that he can create greatness or destroy himself. It is no accidental discovery that man has stumbled upon, for man could not even tie his shoes without the power of the divine.
We are nothing at all without the superior beings that exist. Technology combined with free will allows our actions here on Earth to take place exponentially, both positively and negatively for our existence. The future has so many possibilities of what it could be. I think we are all responsible for shaping the future in some way, be it a small act that affects a series of events or in other important ways like when an individual invents a new type of technology, art form. , or ideology.
Beyond good and evil revisited
Can our limited human capabilities comprehend the concept of beyond good and evil? Perhaps through some deeply imaginative conceptual process we can try to start with what this really means. Through human art forms we can often get a little closer to trying to express what this means. Our reality, thought processes and human experience are so repeated with recurring concepts of good and evil that we find it difficult to escape their clutches. Beyond good and evil is a kind of divine concept that is difficult to understand because our genetic codes are programmed with heavy barriers so that we cannot go beyond our coded programs.
The Reprogramming of the Mind
Our mind mirrors a computer in many ways. Short-term memory is RAM, long-term memory is storage on a hard drive, processing power is our ability to process information slower or faster, and the mindsets that reflect a computer application. The human genome is a seed key generator that generates different kinds of computer applications.And of which no program can be exactly identical, but can be similar. I believe this is so; however, there are those that understand the code better and is in use of more easily and in a shorter amount of time.
Communication, influence and inspiration
Communication, influence and inspiration are three fundamental concepts that are part of our human experience and help to evoke a kind of movement in individuals. Whether these movements are physical, mental or spiritual, they should all are in the same way. Ultimately, of course, mental and spiritual communication, influence or inspiration is into a physical form of action, such as in a musician making a new song, a painter beginning to paint a new song on a new canvas, or a scientist setting a step towards creating a new type of technology.
Communication is like a standard of human protocol. And within that standard we have other segments that include influence and inspiration in the communication standard. The influence can often be conscious and unconscious, of which we are conscious or unconscious. Influence can also often be a subliminal seducer by implanting itself in our psyche without us realizing. Then suddenly popping up when we least expect it when we find ourselves in certain situations.
Ultimate influence
Inspiration is an opiate to the soul that is present in the creations of our creator, divine acts or the creations of other people. And by cosmic elements sent to us from another existence in space. The first two influences are the most obvious. As we can usually easily identify their origin.The ultimate influence of cosmic elements from space is much more difficult to identify.It is by infinite beings difficult to grasp with our very finite faculties and perceptions.
The cosmic influence is very difficult to demonstrate to others, so I believe the belief factor plays a very important role in helping to identify this.It is often difficult for any of us to believe that something exists without reaching our senses of sight or touch. The human arts are worlds of elements that enable us to express the otherwise ineffable.Human life is a teacher for us to grow into something greater than we already are as individuals, and perhaps contribute what we have learned here on Earth to a network of knowledge of human life.