What are the benefits of the game?

The game is one of the most deeply rooted activities in the lives of children from birth. In addition, the fact of playing has a fundamental role in their growth and development. Since it is not only about having fun, but also about relating to others, sharing, stimulating the imagination, etc.
According to the specialized website The Genius of Play, an organization that is part of The Toy Association (United States) and regularly publishes advice on the world of play, it is a learning tool with App In PC
Encourages creativity
The game gives them the opportunity to let their imagination run wild and create their fantasy worlds. Children have the freedom to explore new possibilities, think outside the box, come up with solutions… which also helps them get to know themselves. According to The Genius of Play on a survey “navigating successfully in an increasingly complex world will require creativity more than any other skill”.
Develop physical skills
Physical play is one of the most memorable aspects of childhood. Motivated -mainly- by active play, essential for the physical development of children. Helps children hone their coordination, balance. Gross motor skills (large movements like crawling and walking), and fine motor skills (smaller movements like picking up objects).
Express and process emotions
The game is a way for children to express their vision of the world. Their imaginary settings, characters, and plots match their emotional state and help them learn to express and regulate their feelings. Children learn to cope with their emotions as they act out fear. Frustration, anger, and aggression in a situation they control. It is also an opportunity for them to practice empathy and understanding.
Improve social skills
The game also encourages children’s social relationships, as it encourages them to communicate with others, whether it is with secret languages, instructions, debates, team challenges, conflict resolution… Through the game, the most Little ones learn to create and maintain friendships, a value that will enrich them as people, in addition to recognizing and responding to the feelings of others, sharing, showing affection…
Improve cognitive skills
From birth to age three, children’s brains develop at a faster rate than at any other time in their lives. Making it a prime time to learn and really understand cognitive skills, such as paying attention, reasoning, remembering things they have learned and experienced, and motor skills.
Communication skills
By playing with others, children learn the art of communication. They come to recognize both verbal and non-verbal language -facial expressions, body language…-. This makes them more social beings and with better vocabulary, since they discover how to adapt to each situation. Start and maintain conversations, and how to express their thoughts and wishes in a way that does not hurt others, etc.
the uncertainty was greater due to the pandemic, and the Vuelta al Cole was affected by all the restrictions and limitations imposed by Covid-19, which translated into a considerable decrease in sales of licensed school products during this period. .
Situation improved considerably,
schools opened their doors somewhat normally and students returned to classrooms in person, which translated into a Campaign with positive sales, compared to 2020, but still not reaching pre-pandemic figures .
For his part, Eduardo Grigori, head of revenues and business development at Zinkia Entertainment, details that “with the return to school more normalized in 2021. The Campaign was somewhat less hectic, but still with limited demand.” While David Reasons, director of Edible Licensing, believes that “offline sales obviously improved and online sales remained strong App In PC.
The licensees,
for their part, also positively value the last Campaign, thanks to the return to greater normality compared to 2020. For Rosa Ballester, general director of Safta, “during 2021.
In these years of pandemic, we have been adapting to new forms of consumption, increasing our presence in various online channels.Increasing the offer of new licenses and developing new articles with new techniques and numerous details in many of our collections”. For his part, Ismael García, commercial and marketing director of Dohe. States that “from the moment in which there was a certain opening in the shops, the turnover and the sales figure improved.
And Matthieu Pineau, Iberia manager of Abysse Corp, affirms that “we appreciate that the 2021 Back to School Campaign was stable, exceeding 2020 figures since. Due to the confinement and pandemic, backpacks and school supplies did not have as much use”.
External problems
In 2022, it seems that the pandemic is already more under control and normalcy has returned to ‘more or less’ on a daily basis. But at the end of 2021 and also this 2022 they have brought external problems that are affecting sales of all product categories. Mainly, we refer to the problem of transporting merchandise from Asia, which caused delays in supplies and stock problems. In addition, this transport of merchandise also became more expensive .Which led to a rise in prices in the final product that ended up affecting the consumer App In PC.
The pandemic has caused all sorts of disruptions in the supply chain. From shortages of raw materials or labor, to a lack of space on cargo ships and at maritime terminals. So external factors, such as the problem of maritime transport and the increase in the prices of raw materials and energy. Has caused all products to become more expensive, including those in the school products segment. APP In PC
Which as a whole highlight the importance of working on the different campaigns earlier.
Pilar Fernández-Vega,
Director of El Ocho Licencias y Promociones, highlights that “all market categories are suffering from transport delays and price increases.
Miguel Trigo, licensing director of El Reino Infantil.. Companies will need to plan new manufacturing, development. Distribution and sales strategies, as well as support customers to achieve synergy App In PC.
This will be fundamental to succeed in the next Campaign”. Today’s work forecasts are different and we have to adapt to them. We must continue betting on a licensed product in this category. Since it is very present in the purchase decision of consumers”.
Issac Anidjar, sales manager & partner of Ypsilon Licensing, states that “all design, production and delivery processes must be advanced. The budgets have been closed before and closer production markets are sought”. Eugeni Maranges, Manager of Crafts and Textile Design.